Mitrofanov Vladimir



Penza State University
Penza, 40 Krasnaya St.,
Phone: +79273898268

Doctor of historical science, professor

Professor of the general history and social science sub-department, Penza State University.

• Agrarian and social history of England XVI-XVII centuries
• English historiography of the history of England in the early modern period

1995 Excellence in Public Education Award
1999 Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2009 Certificate of Honor of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza region

2006 Teterina E.A. The food question in England on the eve of the bourgeois revolution of the mid-17th century
2006 Doroshenko N.N. Agrarian development of Germany XVI-XVII centuries in modern German historiography
2007 Samoylova I.V. The food situation in England and the policy of Elizabeth Tudor (second half of the 16th century)
2010 Striganova O.S. The development of the food market in England and the policy of the government of the late Stuarts (1660-1714)
2013 Shabaev A.N. Practice of managing English farmers in the first half of the 17th century (according to the account books and diaries of the southeastern, central and northern counties)

Member of the Association of British Studies

• "University proceedings. Volga region. Humanities"

2017 – Mitrofanov V.P. Property and Financial Obligations of the Englishmen (end of the16th-first third of the 17th century.). Istoriya. Electronic Journal of Education and Science, 2017, vol. 8, no. 8 (62). URL:
2016 - Mitrofanov V.P. The formation of farming in England of first half of the XVII century (on materials on the diary of G.Best). Materials of the international scientific conference. The British world: the experience of political, social and cultural development. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Institute of World History RAS, 2016
2015 - Mitrofanov V.P. Agrarian questions in the English Parliament (the second half of the XVI - the first third of the XVII century.). Collected papers of the International Scientific Conference. The British Parliament yesterday and today. Moscow: Institute of World History RAS, 2016
2015 - Mitrofanov V.P. Personality in the history of the English province of the late XVI-early XVII century (based on materials from Norfolk). Collected papers of the international conference. Britain and Russia: modern research on the sociocultural aspects of interaction. Moscow: Institute of World History RAS, 2015
2014 - Mitrofanov V.P. English province of the late XVI-early XVII century: the central and local government in the regulation of economic and social issues (based on the materials of the justice of the peace N. Bacon). Collected papers of the international scientific conference. The British world. History of Britain: modern research. Moscow: Institute of World History RAS, 2015
2014 - Mitrofanov V.P. Some aspects of the non-productive sphere of life of English peasants (the second half of the 16th-first half of the 17th centuries). Istoriya. Electronic Journal of Education and Science, 2014, vol. 5, no. 10 (33). URL:
2013 - Mitrofanov V.P. The formation of farming in England (1550-1640). Materials of the VII International Scientific and Theoretical Conference. Europe: current problems of ethnoculture. Minsk, 2014
2013 - Mitrofanov V.P. English farmers and the food market of England (first half of the XVII century). Proceedings of the IX All-Russian scientific conference “Professor V.F. Semenov Memorial Lecture. Semyonov Readings. Мoscow: MPSU, 2015
2013 - Mitrofanov V.P. The policy of the English monarchy on the regulation of food trade (1594-1640). Materials of the II All-Russian scientific conference with international participation dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Professor Maria Moiseevna Yabrova. British Readings. Saratov, 2014
2012 - Mitrofanov V.P. The food market in England and the agrarian policy of the Tudors and the first Stuarts (the second half of the 16th century - the middle of the 17th century). Proceedings of the Lectures of the international scientific conference. Issue 2. Britain: History, Culture, Education. Yaroslavl, 2012
2011 - Mitrofanov V.P. The daily worries of single English justice of the peace (late XVI-early XVII century). Materials of XVII readings in memory of a member of the correspondent of the USSR Academy of Sciences S.I. Arkhangelsky. Historians between the obvious and the imaginary: the problems of visualization in historical thought. N. Novgorod: State University of Nizhny Novgorod, 2011
2009 - Mitrofanov V.P. Man in the era of the English bourgeois revolution: from the history of a single family of yeomen. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. Time, event, historical experience in the discourse of a modern historian of a member of the correspondent of the USSR Academy of Sciences S.I. Arkhangelsky. N. Novgorod: MU, 2009
2009 Mitrofanov V.P. From the history of National medievalism of 1940-1950. Proceedings of the V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Philosophy of National education: history and modernity. Penza: PSAA Publishing House, 2009
2007 - Mitrofanov V.P. From the history of pauperism in England of the second half of the 16th-mid-17th century Collected papers. XV Memorial Lecture of member corr. Academy of Sciences of the USSR S.I. Arkhangelsky. Actual problems of historical science and creative heritage. N. Novgorod: MU, 2007
2007 - Mitrofanov V.P. From the history of social policy of the English monarchy of the second half of the XVI-first third of the XVII century. Intercollegiate Collected papers. In Search of a New: Europe and Russia in Contemporary National Historiography (to the 75th Anniversary of Professor E.V. Kuznetsov). Arzamas: ASPI, 2007
2006 - Mitrofanov V.P. From the history of economic crimes in England the first third of the XVII century. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference “X Memorial Lecture in memory of Professor Nikolai Petrovich Sokolov”. N. Novgorod: UNN, 2007
2005 - Crime and punishment in England XVI century (on the tractate of U. Harrison "Description of England"). Collected papers of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. XIV Memorial Lecture of member corr. Of the USSR Academy of Sciences S. I. Arkhangelsky. Actual problems of historical science and the creative legacy of S.I. Arkhangelsky. N. Novgorod: MU, 2005
2004 - Mitrofanov V.P. English yeomen: origin, evolution, status. Interuniversity Collected papers of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. The political life of Western Europe: antiquity, the Middle Ages, modern times. Issue 3. Arzamas: AGPI, 2004

• ORCID ID 0000-0001-9002-3561
• Web of Science Researcher ID Y-1069-2018
• SCOPUS ID 57222092708
• AuthorID 385257



Дата создания: 10.09.2018 15:44
Дата обновления: 19.08.2022 11:59